Tuesday, March 29, 2011

An electric word "life", it means forever, and that's a mighty long time...

So... after much soul searching, personal turmoil and machine quilting fear, I finally started and subsequently completed my very first quilt this year...  I made it speeeshul for my very best friend's brand new baby girl, and while it was begun several months before the baby shower (with the BEST of intentions to gift it at said baby shower), it did not get completed until Miss Ella was about a month old.  Yea, yea.. I gots mad excuses...  Don't even try me!  ;)  Although from what i understand, for a first quilt, that ain't too shabby!  ;)  My bff simply told me that she wanted it orange...  The rest was up to me.  Um... Orange, I said?  Orange?  OoooooKkkkkkk...  Hmm...  So, off I went, mi madre in tow, to the fabric store to choose the appropriate citrus tones to make this thing work!  I modified a pattern from a book that was loaned to me, and off I went into the unknow abyss of my first quilting experience!

All in all, I think it turned out fairly well...  Momma luuuuurrved it, so I suppose that's all that matters, yes?  ;) 

And, for those of you thinking, "wow, her lighting/picture taking/location choice SUCKS."  Well...  To you I say...  Well, I say you're right! LOL!  The colors aren't quite true in this picture, but I promise it's puuurrty!  :D  And, I would like to offer up a special thanks-a-roo to my darling co-worker who is hiding behind that quilt, holding it up so I could take said crappy photo!  ;)

Needless to say, quilt #1 has been declared a success!  Onward!


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